
Why does the CQC inspect private GP practices?

The CQC want to ensure that every provider in the UK is delivering safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led care. They mostly inspect NHS GPs but there are a few inspectors with experience within the private sector who conduct inspections. They will be looking for similar outcomes as within the NHS and will want you to be able to demonstrate that you are providing care to the same standard as your NHS colleagues.

What inspections can I expect as a private GP practice?

The CQC will carry out inspections of independent doctors and clinics. Inspections include:

CQC inspections

Within 12 months of your registration

Announced inspections (two weeks' notice) once every five years

Unannounced inspections

Who does the CQC inspect?

The CQC inspects all NHS and independent healthcare services. Independent healthcare services are private sector organisations which are not NHS trusts or NHS GP services that provide health care.

This includes private GP services, medical practitioners providing consultation and/or treatment, vaccination clinics, slimming/weight management clinics, health screening, family planning and health care services which don’t involve treatment that falls under the acute hospital or single specialty category.

CQC's Vision

CQC’s purpose “We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.”


What will I need to provide ahead of my CQC inspection?

Before the CQC carry out their inspection, they will need some information to help them to prepare. You will need to respond with this information within five working days. They are likely to ask for:  

CQC requirements

Information about your patients

Details of your staff

Any significant events or incidents you have had

Evidence and examples of how you’ve provided care for specific population groups

Evidence you have monitored the quality of your treatment and services

Evidence of how you have actioned patient feedback

Policies, procedures and other documents

What can I do to prepare for my CQC inspection?  

It is important to prepare for your CQC inspection so that you have all the evidence and documentation that is required.

You should continually be staying up to date with procedures and ensuring that you are putting patients care as your main priority.

It is a good idea to collect patient feedback all year round and keep evidence of when you have completed any training.  

If you have staff members, everyone in your private practice should be made aware of the CQC and the framework in which you will be assessed on.

When the CQC inspect your private practice, they may want to talk to members of your staff and ask them some questions about how the practice is run.

Your staff should be fully trained, know where policies and procedures are located and understand what they need to do in situations such as a safeguarding issue, complaint or incident.    

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