What are the benefits of EMIS Web over other cheaper patient record systems?

EMIS Web Clinical Services pricing starts at ~£800 per user per annum, minimum 3 users. Coupled with the cost of an HSCN line, pathlogy links, and Hero Health (the EMIS integrated partner product, delivering billing and invoicing), a small practice will be looking at costs of ~£7,500 p.a. minimum. This annual cost makes EMIS expensive compared to other private sector record systems which can often be obtained for under £50 per user, per month, with no additional fees. Is it worth it?

Why use EMIS Web?

When it comes to patient administration systems, there is strength in numbers. EMIS Web (along with Systm1) is the main NHS GP record system, and is used in over ~5,000 primary care sites nationally. The result is that there are a plethora of online resources available, including a Facebook group with 10,000 users, EMIS Now, EMIS’ online help resource, plus a number of 3rd party experts in most regions.

When national regulations change, EMIS is updated to ensure it remains compliant with the latest NHS guidance – and positioning EMIS using practices to meet CQC requirements. Data is processed via HSCN, the government’s dedicated healthcare data network, and you can relatively easily interact with NHS GP practices.

Then there are specific features that set the product aside from cheaper alternatives:

EMIS Web Features

Intuitive consulting module, including templating

Clinical decision support

Rich medication and pathology modules

Highly functional clinical reporting

A broad partner ecosystem, with 150 EMIS plugins

If you are considering scaling a private practice, it makes sense to start on a system that is familiar to your GPs, that enables safe care delivery and that positions you well for CQC inspections.

What is it like

“Previously, onboarding new GPs was complicated because of the hurdle of learning a totally foreign system. Now that we use EMIS, there is an understanding that GPs will be able to work effectively from Day 1 – including prescribing, blood tests and managing the diary.”

Clinical Director

How do you handle invoicing and billing?

EMIS itself does not include an invoicing and billing system. Running a separate system, non-integrated with your clinical record is not practical – the level of double entry creates accounting risk, and increases workload substantially.

Hero Health is an EMIS partner product that enables you to raise an invoice for the selected patient in EMIS, retrieving SNOMED codes from the patient record to bill for specific items. Patients can then pay online, or you can use integrated card readers. The product also handles private EPS and accounting integrations.  

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