
How much does a private GP earn?

Private GPs can earn upwards of £10,000 per session. A session represents a single (once per week) 4-hour AM or PM clinic, for 47 weeks of the year.

Reasons why private GP salaries will differ

In practice, private GP earnings will vary dependent on the role and experience of the GP as well as the following:


Your role (if you are running the practice on your own, as a partnership or if you are an employee)

If you are compensated on a profit share basis

The amount of outgoings your practice has

The number of patients you see

Your experience as a GP

Your specialty/ the type of services you offer

Employed private GPs

A private GP salaried by an employer may earn less than a self-employed private GP partner, but they will receive employee benefits such as holiday pay, maternity pay and sick pay.

Being an employee also means you are likely to have guaranteed income month on month regardless of how many patients you see or how well the practice is performing.

What's it like

“The flexibility I have as a private GP means I can have more control over how much I earn. The more sessions I work and the more patients I reflects in my earnings.”

Private GP

Self-employed private GPs

For private GPs compensated more on a profit-share, a GP relatively early in their career can expect to earn less than a more experienced GP who has a strong following of patients.

If you are working independently your income will be dependent on the hours you work, the amount of patients you see and the outgoings you have to run your practice.

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