
What do I need to keep in my emergency drugs cabinet?

As a primary care physician, you would be expected to hold everything that an NHS practice would have in their emergency drugs box. If you are also offering home visits to patients, there are some additional supplies you will need.

What do I need in my practice?

A full list of suggested equipment and medication can be found on the CQC website. This list is by no means exhaustive, but you should have medications at hand for the following conditions.

Medicines to treat:




Epileptic fit

Severe pain



Please note, to keep Oxygen in your practice you will need all the appropriate compliance documents in place.

This includes notices that Oxygen is held on site and a COSHH risk assessment with evidence that it is regularly checked.

What if I am doing home visits?

If you are offering home visits to patients, you will need to be equipped for managing medical emergencies.

If you have background on the health concerns of the patient that you are visiting you can tailor your medication to what you think you may need.

You should also consider

Storage needs of medication

Proximity to the nearest hospital

Shelf life of medication

Availability of medication

What's it like

“It can be difficult to properly stock a GP practice with medications and it is a balance to stock what is needed without having lots of medication go out of date if it isn’t used. We ensure that we have medicines in stock which can be used in an emergency.”

Private GP

Does the CQC have a say?

When the CQC inspects your practice, they will be assessing if you are providing safe care and treatment.

This includes seeing evidence that risk assessments have been carried out in relation to the medications you stock.

They will also be checking that there are processes and systems in place to check that all medications are in date and medical equipment is well maintained.  

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