
How should I recruit new GPs for my private GP service?

Finding good colleagues to work at your private GP practice is just as important as it is in an NHS setting. The GPs you recruit will reflect on you and your practice, so it is important to get your recruitment right. It can be difficult to find GPs who have the skills and experience to work as a private GP but there are several ways you can advertise and recruit private GPs.

Ways to find private GPs

If you are looking to build your private practice and are ready to hire some private GPs to work with you, you can find prospective recruits in the following ways:

Finding private GPs

Recommendations from colleagues

Networking with private GPs

Local advertising

Advertising on the Independent Doctors Federation

Advertising on the BMJ

Local advertising

You can advertise your vacancy through a range of local advertising channels. These can range from print adverts in targeted local publications to paid digital adverts.

It is also a good idea to reach out to any GPs you already know and join networking events where you can meet GPs in your area.


The Independent Doctors Federation (IDF) have a page on their website where you can place an advert for your vacancy. The IDF is the UK’s leading independent doctors’ organisation for GPs and specialists.

They represent members’ interests through education, networking, appraisal, revalidation and regulatory advice. There are over 1,300 members of the IDF so advertising on their platform is a great way to get seen by prospective recruits.

What's it like

““When recruiting a new private GP for my practice, I use a variety of methods to attract candidates. Word of mouth and recommendations from colleagues has worked well, as has advertising on larger recruitment platforms which incur a fee.”

Private GP


The BMJ is the number one site for hospital, GP and international doctor jobs. They cover all sectors and specialties and continually update their site with new opportunities.

If you are looking to recruit a private GP, you can advertise the vacancy on the BMJ website. They have around 150,000 unique online visitors per month. We have found the BMJ to be an expensive but very effective way to advertise vacancies.

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