
How do I register my private service with the CQC?

To register your private GP services with the CQC you will need to apply on their website. They do not accept applications via post. You will need to either use the provider portal or email all your complete application forms and supporting documents to them.

Steps to registration

To register as a new service provider you will need to:

CQC registration

Visit the CQC website to learn more about the registration process

Register online as a new provider where you can create an account

Login to the provider portal

Submit (or email) your application forms and supporting documents

How long does it take to register?

To register with the CQC you will need to provide them with a large amount of documentation. Give yourself plenty of time to gather all this information to ensure your application is submitted correctly.

It can take around 8 hours to complete your application forms and submit all your supporting documentation so make sure you give yourself at least a full day to submit your application.

The CQC offers urgent applications if your service is critical to increasing the capacity in the health and social care system or supporting recovery.

Once your application has been submitted, it can take around 10 weeks for the CQC to assess and contact you. Remember that you are unable to provide any services until your application has been approved and you are fully registered with the CQC.

What's it like

“Registering with the CQC online is easy. You wull have access to a provider portal where you will be given support on how to apply and you can keep up to date with your application."

Private GP

What happens when I have registered?

Once you have been successfully registered with the CQC you will fall into the inspection cycle where you will be inspected within 5 years.

It is important to note that you may be inspected at any time, particularly if any reviews or complaints have been submitted to the CQC.

If during your inspection you receive a rating of inadequate, you will be visited again six months later to see if the service has improved.

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