
Who can I see as a private GP?

As a private GP, you can see anyone with any problem that falls within your scope of work subject to there being no restrictions from your place or work (and registered manager) or your indemnity cover.

Deciding who to see

When setting up your private general practice, you need to decide the sort of patients you want to see. This could be very broad or you may want to specialise.

Things to consider

Do you want to specialise or see general health concerns

Do you want to offer any additional services

Are there any restrictions in your contract or indemnity


You need to consider if you want to cover all health conditions or if you want to specialise in a particular area of general practice.

Some private GPs choose to see all the same health conditions as they would in an NHS setting whereas others specialise areas such as woman’s health (menopause), men's health or skin conditions.

Services outside of general practice

As a private GP, you are able to offer some services which aren’t covered by the NHS primary care contract. The most popular additional service which some private GPs offer is minor cosmetic surgery.

Anti-ageing injections are becoming increasingly popular with both male and female patients across a variety of age ranges. Many patients are looking for this procedure to be conducted by a healthcare professional in a safe environment.

This can bring in a different demographic of patients who you can see as a private GP which you may not have otherwise become a patient.

What's it like

“I love the freedom that comes with private general practice which enables me to decide which patients I want to see.”

Private GP

Indemnity cover

It is very important that whatever services you decide to offer, your indemnity insurance fully covers you. We have put together some useful resources on what indemnity you need as a private GP and where you can access this cover.

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