
How do I get feedback from patients for my private work?

Feedback is an important element of the annual appraisal process which all GPs are required to undertake. If you are working within the private sector, your appraiser will expect you to provide feedback from all scopes of your work including any private work that you are undertaking.

Managing feedback

Getting feedback for your private general practice can be difficult. If you are organised, use technology and action any feedback you get, your services will benefit.

Top tips

Collect patient feedback regularly throughout the year

Make patient feedback anonymous

Collect feedback from colleagues too

Don’t ignore any negative feedback

Who to get feedback from?

Feedback from both patients and colleagues is important for both appraisals, revalidation, CQC inspections and to ensure you are providing patients with the best possible care and experience.  

What's it like

“I love getting feedback from our patients. It is really important to not only recognise what we are doing well, but also understand areas on which we could improve to make sure we are providing the best possible care. Collecting and storing feedback throughout the year makes it simple when I need to provide it to the appraiser.”

Private GP

How to collect feedback

Patient feedback can be collected online, through your own collection methods and directly to the CQC if you have an upcoming inspection. There are several online survey tools which you can use to gather feedback, with our favourite being Typeform.  


Typeform is a very user-friendly piece of software which allows you to build and customise a questionnaire. You can generate a link which can be sent out to patients, or you can embed the questionnaire on to your website.

You can view the responses and generate a report to closely monitor and action any comments.  

We would recommend adding the question ‘how likely are you to recommend us to a family or friend who needed one of our services?’. On a 0-10 scale, this question will enable you to generate a net promotor score which you can monitor over time and compare to the industry benchmark.

Other feedback

You should also be collecting Multisource Feedback (MSF) from your colleagues to share with your appraiser.  

You should split your patient feedback and MSF feedback questionnaires between the different populations that you work with to ensure a representative snapshot.

Private patients are usually happy to provide feedback and it is recommended to ask for patient feedback between 1 day and 1 week of them visiting your practice.

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