
Should I charge additionally for tests such as ECGs?

All equipment within your practice needs to be purchased, regularly serviced, calibrated and PAT tested so commonly the use of such equipment incurs a charge.

Additional charges

Common tests which are billed as an additional service include:

You may want to charge for

Urine dipsticks





How to charge for additional services

You should be clear on your website that tests incur an additional charge and if possible, reiterate this message during the booking process and consent for charging should be obtained before undertaking any test that will incur a fee.

Your terms and conditions should also reflect the fact that tests and additional services are charged in addition to the consultation fee.

What's it like

“You need to factor in all costs that you will incur during a consultation and where appropriate, charge this back to the patient.”

Private GP

Collecting payment for additional services

Where possible, we recommend charging patients for their consultation fee and any additional charges you know will be incurred ahead of the consultation, ideally during the booking process.

For additional fees which are not known until during the consultation, payment should be taken as soon as possible after the consultation and ideally before the patient leaves the clinic.

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